2024年亞洲電動汽車展(EV Asia 2024)將于2024年07月03-05日在泰國曼谷詩麗吉王后國家會議中心QSNCC舉行,是泰國和東南亞地區最具影響力電動汽車和充電樁的行業盛會之一,也是泰國規模最大的能源展會。
The 2024 Asian Electric Vehicle Exhibition (EV Asia 2024) will be held from July 3rd to 5th, 2024, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. It is one of the most influential industry events for electric vehicles and charging piles in Thailand and Southeast Asia, and also the largest energy exhibition in Thailand.
EV Asia 2024旨在為全球新能源電動汽車制造商、充電設備供應商、技術研發機構以及行業專家提供一個展示最新成果、探討行業發展、尋找商業機會的平臺。
EV Asia 2024 aims to provide a platform for global new energy electric vehicle manufacturers, charging equipment suppliers, technology research and development institutions, as well as industry experts, to showcase their latest achievements, discuss industry development, and explore business opportunities.
展會名稱:2024年第20屆泰國可再生能源展覽會(ASEAN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEE)
展館名稱:詩麗吉特女王國家會議中心 Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC)
展會地點:60 Rachadapisek Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
舉辦周期/Frequency:一年一屆·第8屆/ Annual · The 8th Edition
進館證領取:進館證可在以下時間:7月1日 13:00-18:00、7月2日 09:00-18:00 在HALL 2門口的自助打印機打印紙質進館證(憑二維碼掃描打印),具體以主辦方最終通知為準。